Summer League, Membership & Future Of Your Club

Indeed the coolest place in town this summer is the Pavilion (their tag line).  Curling in the coolest place is even “cooler”!  Make sure to join the fun

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Summer league 2011

The Summer League is formed and we are ready to start on Tuesday June 14 at 7:30.  We will be running a 6 team roster over the 6 night league . (Jun 14, 28, Jul 12, 26, Aug 9, 23).  Skips have been named and teams have been formed.  Your skip will be calling you this week!

To balance out the rising ice costs and having 6 teams in the summer vs 8 we had in the spring, we will be renting the ice for 2.5 hours as compared to the 3 hours in Spring League.  This means that we need …

  • all players ready to help prepare the ice and move the stones
  • to start playing promptly @ 8pm
  • take seriously our responsibility as curlers to keep play moving quickly and efficiently

Club membership

One of our responsibilities as member curlers is to pay our yearly PCC membership.  In order to be a viable club we require that all curlers be members.  Our membership dues for 2011-2012 have been set at the same rate as last year.  Your membership of $100/curler pays for your Regional and National curling dues (currently $41/year per member) with the remainder going towards our yearly stone lease, prizes and equipment maintenance. 

Membership is required to play in the PCC leagues.  Please pay your membership dues along with your league fees; given the late notice of this communication, if you need more time to pay your membership dues, we will allow you up until December 1, 2011 to make the payment.

Payments can be made out to PCC, and sent to Norman directly at:

Norman Poole
68 Pointe Circle
Suite 2202
Greenville SC, 29615

Individuals not paid in full by December 1 will not be permitted to curl in the Spring or subsequent leagues until the outstanding balance is taken care of.

Future of your Club

From a Curling Club standpoint, in order to remain solvent, we must grow the club.  To grow and be successful we need…

  • additional ice time/more curling
  • more signed up members
  • additional individuals willing to help organize and manage the club


Your current board (Beau Welling, Anne Wiggins, Norman Poole, Lon Peper, Michel Plante and Bill Marshall) will be working over the summer to establish a plan to help address these challenges.  We have come a long way in one short year.  It is now time for us as a club to take the next step of organization and commitment.  You will be hearing more about this and we will need you support and commitment as well.

To help spread the news and introduce new people to the sport and our club, we will be offering two FREE Open House/Learn-To-Curl events this summer.  The Pavilion is donating the ice time and our club must organize and staff the event.  This is where you who played this past year come in.  Just as others have introduced you to this fine sport, it is now your turn to reach out and help promote and introduce it to a new group of potential curlers/members.  The events will be at 7:30 on Tuesday July 19 and Tuesday August 16.  Please consider helping at one or both of these events.  More information and signup opportunities will be communicated at a later date.

Thanks for a GREAT first year!  Your interest, enthusiasm and commitment were much appreciated by your board.  We are looking forward to your continued support and new level of involvement in growing your club.

Anne, Beau, Norman, Lon, Michel, Bill