A newsletter for USCA Directors & Club and Regional Presidents October 2010
Want to be on the 2012 Scots Tour team?
Applications are being accepted through Dec. 31, 2010, for consideration to be a member of the 2010 Scots Tour team. Application forms can be found on the USA Curling website, www.usacurl.org/usacurl or by contacting either Andy Anderson, aander9416@aol.com, or Christy Hering, christy.hering@usacurl.org.
Team Leader Applications Being Accepted
The USA Curling office is seeking applicants for team leaders at four international competitions this season. The application deadline is Oct. 25. Funding for the team leader positions is pending. To find out more, go to www.usacurl.org/usacurl.
2011 Senior Men’s Bonspiel to Be Hosted in
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. There will be unparalleled camaraderie and excellent competition for men 55 years and above. Contact Mike Griem (847-234-6923, griemco@aol.com) or visit the Chicago CC website (www.curlingchicago.org) for further information. Thank you for promoting this event to your members!
New Logo Unveiled
USA Curling has introduced a new organization logo (shown below) as part of a branding project. There are three variations of the logo. In addition, a “Member of” tagline can be added to the logo for member clubs to use in the ice, around the club or on club websites. If interested in obtaining a copy, contact Terry Kolesar, terry.kolesar@usacurl.org.
Seven New Faces Join USCA Board of Directors
Seven new board members were welcomed at the Fall 2010 USCA Board of Directors meeting Sept. 18-19 in the Twin Cities. New members include: Jonathan Havercroft (At-Large region; Oklahoma Curling Club), Nancy Haggenmiller (
Wheelchair Team
After a three-day skills competition, Team
New Clubs Eligible for Championships
The USCA Board voted to eliminate the one-year waiting period for members of a new USCA club to play in championships. All members of USCA clubs will now be eligible to compete as soon as the club becomes part of the applicable state or regional organization or joins the USCA as an At-Large club.
Sign up for Winter WWUG
Registration is underway for men’s and women’s teams for a playdown to select teams for the 2011
– Terry Kolesar, Editor
Between Ends is a monthly publication written by Terry Kolesar, Director of Communications at USA Curling.