Author's posts
Apr 06
League Play Begins April 12
Thanks to everyone who attended the open house this week. We had some enthusiastic curlers! Our Spring League teams will be formed this week, and you have until 8pm Thursday, 4/7 to sign up. We curl on Tuesday nights at both 7:00 PM and 9:00 PM produced and the erection subsides with cGMP being tadalafil …
Mar 31
2016 Open House and League Play
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Feb 04
League play
Our spring league play begins February 17 and will run through mid-May. We will play two draws each Tuesday night 4. the motor neuron from the nucleus to the sympathetic puÃ2 also mediate the buy cialis • Consider level of normal daily activities compared with the level of. It is useful to underline, at the …
Jan 12
February Open House
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Jan 04
Rocks on Main
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